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Untangling the Web

I just rediscovered one of my favorite artists last night on Spotify, Rachel Brooke. It has been soothing and calming to listen to her swooning voice and intoxicating lyrics as I have been lying in bed and staring at the computer. I remember a time when I wished more than anything to be a single act folk singer; years passed and I put down the guitar, noticing it and picking it up in those rare moments of nostalgia and boredom. My guitar skills slackened, yet my voice remained. I recently spent some time with a good friend and some other folks reviving my guitar playing, song writing, and participating as a singer; I learned some new skills and improved my ability at the mic.

The first time I rested from playing music I dove into painting and spent ten plus years creating abstract paintings while developing my personal style. This time it seems I am more inclined to write while using my creative energy. I have discovered, as I seem to have little patience for learning to play instruments in my old age, that one can revel in music appreciation; I have become just as involved in the musical entity in my psyche simply by finding passionate, soothing and invigorating music to listen to. I do sing at church and sometimes in the shower or the car, still.

Creativity, as I have discussed in previous posts, comes in many forms. I have traditionally perceived this gift residing in myself as playing music, painting or writing poetry, short stories or prose, however I find praying, relaxing, walking and even cleaning can be valid forms of creativity in my life. In every moment we experience and in everything we do there is opportunity to become more connected to the divine, the well of spirit and soul that swims deep in our bodies as emotions, thoughts, screams and tears; to unravel. One can communicate with nature, the people in their life, God, or the thoughts that surround the mystery of their story. If you tap into it, you may find a puzzle unraveling in your consciousness like a riddle or vision that needs interpreting; all of a sudden the meaning is before you like a smoky and shimmery veil that has uncloaked you, now becoming transparent as your eyes peer to the other side.

In an instant the clarity of the world will seize the moment, after time spent reeling in the sultry tunes of a singer I respect, writing my thoughts, decoding my inner dreams through painting colors on a canvas, or walking the trails listening to the birds. This is where I find meaning in life and I am writing this now as a reminder for me to continue to participate in my creativity through moments spent pondering and decoding the DNA and secret messages of my soul. Even be it listening and not acting. Sometimes sitting still and letting others express themselves can be just as soothing as we share with each other the untangling of the webs that engulf us.