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Waterfall of Intention

Beautiful morning yesterday, I attended a meditation between 7 and 9 am and it was rejuvenating and created a little sanctuary in my soul. This sun just peaked the horizon and a golden shower of light is cascading across the yard and blessing every branch and blade of grass in its caramel orange glory. It is crisp outside and there is a layer of mist lying across the roads and fields.

I had restless dreams last night. I was being chased, was deformed, and cleaning up a filthy car that was frustrating and didn't seem to work or fit me. I was tossing and turning and kicking the covers. I was so exhausted yesterday from an early morning, lots of activity and walking and a work party where we organized and cleaned a large storage space for work. I laid down to bed at 7 pm, fell asleep about eight, but I believe the restlessness came from pure exhaustion.

It is interesting how this works. It seems that when we have expended ourselves to the max, worn ourselves thin, and stretched ourselves across the many people and obligations of our life, this is when the restlessness occurs. It seems that we have anger or frustration around not being able to give ourselves personal time or time to really relax. I am a bit of a different cause as it seems my chemistry needs even more of this sort of non-activity, yet I can relate to the common global condition. We are over worked, over spent and therefore harboring anger and obstruction in our very bones. This is probably what causes sleeping disorders, addictions, and behaviors that are common and aggressive yet not our true nature. The way a mother is always yelling or nagging at their husband and children, a boss at their employees, or a commuter at the cars that are aggressively and exhaustively driving on the road among them and inconsiderately.

What is the cure for this common yet disgruntled chronic worldly condition? Probably us removing the root cause. We desire for too much and have been told we must achieve this and strain ourselves at the ultimate cost in order to achieve it. In my meditation group we discussed living ethically, having patience, being generous, and attaining to not cause suffering in the world and at all efforts to relieve it. So I am making an effort to at least discuss what we can do in our minds and our lives to alleviate this suffering. I suppose dissolving the root cause of achievement, and raising awareness of the suffering we cause to others and ourselves is a start. Why must we reach to imitate a lifestyle that we have adopted from a sitcom or magazine? Why must we own a new car or remodel our house to reach a presentation level that is truly unnecessary and embodies the failure that we believe we exemplify? Why must we constantly try to achieve the perfect body, a type that may very well not be natural to us? If we spent more time accepting the way we are naturally and let ourselves change slowly and logically, if we realized our attachment to having and acquiring more things is adding to our worries and not making contentment, and if in the calm we reach out to more humans in order to relieve their suffering and ultimately our own, the world would not only be a better place, we would be much closer to existing within peace and serenity.

The light has shifted from its golden yellow-orange rays, to the soft light yellow that illuminates the fresh green growth on the awaking trees to a grinning and glowing green. The world is closer to awakening now. I hope and pray this is true for the humans on the planet. Perhaps each generation we birth a newly aware and encouraging group of youth that hold within themselves just enough increased motivation to make the world a better place. As we learn and grow and slow down we improve as a whole. Blessings to all of the moments of kindness and generosity that exist today, and may they inspire and trigger even more in an unending waterfall of awareness and light.