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Under the Frozen Stars I Confess my Love

I had a fire yesterday at dusk with my sweet and eternal loved one, Stephen. I dressed an altar in the house with the four elements, some sacred items, and many small tea lights and candles. My sister came, her fiance Andre and his son Weston, My friend Kerry and her daughter Thea, Amelia and Tim who are engaged, my friend Kiba, and my friend Simone. We held a small ceremony outside gathered by the simmering flames, we said some vows, tied our hands with a silk scarf hand dyed by my mother, and stepped over a broom that was hand made by my mother. It was in the spirit of Imbolc which is the ancient seasonal holiday that falls around Groundhog’s day that means “in the oven”, referring to a baby in the belly. It is the time of year where the Goddess is born and reintroduced to nature, when later she takes over at Beltane on May 1st. It is a holiday where couples are annually hand-fasted or wed, and renew their vows with their loved ones. The air was cold, the ground frozen and the skies clear. It was a warming, beautiful and intimate gathering. I am thankful for the love of Stephen, the years we have spent together, and for the years and eons to come. I love him with all my heart.

The following are the words we spoke to each other, and the words that were spoken within the ceremony:


Stephen called down the corners-

East is the air and represents thought, life, Inspiration, and wisdom.

West is the water and represents emotion, fruitfulness, desire and love.

North is fire and represents action, light, energy and power.

South is the earth and represents skill, endurance and understanding.


Elizabeth, my sister, spoke these words-

Who comes before the fire this night to be Hand-fasted in the presence of friends and in the eyes of the Goddess?

‘I do Emily, with my lover Stephen’

‘I do Stephen, with my lover Emily’


I spoke these vows, following with Steve saying these vows to me, using my name-

By seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit; by life and love in the name of the Goddess, I take thee, Stephen, to my hand, my heart and my spirit as the setting of the sun and the rising of the stars. Nor shall death part us for in the fullness of time we shall be born again in the same place as each other and we shall meet and know and remember, and we shall love again.


Elizabeth spoke as she fastened our hands together with the silk scarf-

I fast your hands this night in the presence of friends and in the eyes of the Goddess. May you stay fast now and forever.

We stepped over the broom and kissed each other. 


Let this night shine in our minds and illuminate the years to come.