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Impermanent I Am

I am noticing beauty. The wind is blowing at a momentous speed against my body and walking into it I have to push with my weight and cover my ears to protect them. The sun is shining and the white caps and waves are so historic that the beauty of their magnitude is forceful and awesome.

I can feel the vigor of such experiences. The other night we were trapped in a storm while moving a leather sofa, and a freezer, and the truck we were using got stuck. It then got stuck a second time while we were unloading. It was a tremendous evening, frustrating, yet I feel that I conquered something great. There is the permanent which is invisible, vague and omnipotent, and then there is the impermanent which is tangible, materialistic and tenuous.

I want to live in the permanent, which is what so many of us perceive as the impermanent. The permanent is spirituality, God, and the cosmos. I will not worship money or things which are so impermanent. I want and do feel satisfied in this lately. My body, clothes and jewelry, my partner, house and family, they are all impermanent. But love, that is permanent. That is law.

Let my gut lead me, let me roll on the adventures that are put in front of me and embrace and learn them. I will shatter the illusions of my things, I will pursue greatness by loving God and floating in the abyss, just knowing that I am here and that is enough.